Coping with Stress

Coping with Stress
Coping with stress is one of the most difficult things for many of us. No matter who we are, the realities of stress and the issues that arise from it are some of the most inhibiting things that we deal with. Not only that, but stress can be a dangerous enemy. They say that stress kills, and this can be taken quite literally. All of us deal with stress at one point in our lives or another, but it can be very easy for us to get overwhelmed by the stresses of daily life the older we get.
Sometimes we are able to manage our stress in unhealthy ways by developing coping mechanisms that are less than ideal. Maybe we go out and have a cigarette or a few beers once in a while as a way to “unwind” and “de-stress.” Unfortunately, these types of coping mechanisms can easily turn into addictions that make it even more difficult for us to deal with the stresses that we encounter in our daily lives.